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161 entries « 8 of 9 »



Johnson, G M, Code, J, Zaparyniuk, N

Online behavior and cognitive development Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Vancouver, BC, 2007.

BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, mixed methods, online learning



Code, J, Zaparyniuk, N

Individual Differences in Self-Regulated Learning: The Role of Cognitive Style in Adaptive e-Learning Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Orlando, FL, 2006.

BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, learning design, systematic review


Code, J, MacAllister, K, Gress, C L Z, Nesbit, J C

Self-regulated learning, motivation and goal theory: Implications for instructional design and e-learning Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, vol. 2006, 2006.

BibTeX | Tags: learning design, motivation, online learning, self-regulation, systematic review


Winne, P H, Adesope, S, Code, J, Gress, C L Z, Jordanov, M, Kumar, V, Leacock, T, MacAllister, K, Nesbit, J C, Shakya, J, Zhou, M, Azevedo, R, Hadwin, A F, Lajoie, S P, Perry, N E, Beaudoin, L, Shi, B

The learning kit project: Advancing research on learning as learners learn in everyday settings Proceedings

vol. 2006, 2006.

BibTeX | Tags: assessment, educational technology, learning analytics, self-regulation, viewpoint


Nesbit, J C, Winne, P H, Jamieson-Noel, D, Code, J, Zhou, M, Macallister, K, Bratt, S, Wang, W, Hadwin, A F

Using cognitive tools in gStudy to investigate how study activities covary with achievement goals Journal Article

In: Journal of Educational Computing Research, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 339-358, 2006.

BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, learning analytics, mixed methods, self-regulation



Code, J, Veugelers, E

Sky captain and the world of tomorrow: Piloting WebCT Campus Edition 6 Presentation

2005, (Presentation at the Interface 2005 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology


Johnson, G M, Howell, A J, Code, J

Online discussion and college student learning: Toward a model of influence Journal Article

In: Technology, Pedagogy and Education, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 61-76, 2005.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed methods, online learning, teacher education



Code, J

Ebox: Faculty centers for technology exploration, experimentation and exchange Presentation

2003, (Presentation at the Netspeed 2003, Edmonton, Alberta Canada.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology


Stewart, V, Code, J

Active lecturing with PowerPoint Workshop

2003, (Workshop at the Innovative Instructors Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology


Code, J, Wilson, G

Dreamweaver Coursebuilder: Building interactivity Workshop

2003, (Workshop at the Interface 2003 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, online learning


Irvine, V, Mappin, D, Code, J

Preparing teachers to teach online: The role of faculties of education Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Honolulu, HI, 2003.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed methods, online learning, teacher education



Code, J, McGrath, J

Developing faculty technology centres for learning and exploration Presentation

2002, (Hybrid Learning: Keys to Instructor and Student Success, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: blended learning, educational technology, hybrid learning


Code, J, Wilson, G, Stewart, V

Dreamweaver Coursebuilder for teachers Workshop

2002, (Workshop at the Online Learning Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, online learning


Code, J, Stewart, V

Dreamweaver course development for teacher-developers Workshop

2002, (Workshop at the Alberta Online Consortium Online Developers Series, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, online learning


Stewart, V, Code, J

Workshops that work! Presentation

2002, (International Conference on Distance Education & the Canadian Association of Distance Education, Calgary, Alberta, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, faculty development, learning design


Stewart, V, Code, J

Preparing faculty for online instruction Presentation

2002, (Presentation at the Alberta Colleges and Institutes Association (ACIFA) Conference Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: online learning


Zaparyniuk, N, Code, J

Accessible Multimedia for the Web Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Orlando, FL, 2002.

BibTeX | Tags: accessibility, learning design, online learning, systematic review


Code, J, Stewart, V

Action Learning: Applications in Technology Training and Professional Development Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Honolulu, HI, 2002.

BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, qualitative



Code, J, Stewart, V

Dreamweaver and fireworks for teacher-developers Workshop

2001, (Workshop at the Alberta Online Consortium Online Developers Series, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, online learning


Code, J

Teaching with technology: Progressive practices Workshop

2001, (Workshop at the Leaders in Learning Online 2001, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology

161 entries « 8 of 9 »