Online behavior and cognitive development Proceedings
World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Vancouver, BC, 2007.
Individual Differences in Self-Regulated Learning: The Role of Cognitive Style in Adaptive e-Learning Proceedings
World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Orlando, FL, 2006.
Self-regulated learning, motivation and goal theory: Implications for instructional design and e-learning Proceedings
World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, vol. 2006, 2006.
The learning kit project: Advancing research on learning as learners learn in everyday settings Proceedings
vol. 2006, 2006.
Using cognitive tools in gStudy to investigate how study activities covary with achievement goals Journal Article
In: Journal of Educational Computing Research, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 339-358, 2006.
Sky captain and the world of tomorrow: Piloting WebCT Campus Edition 6 Presentation
2005, (Presentation at the Interface 2005 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).
Online discussion and college student learning: Toward a model of influence Journal Article
In: Technology, Pedagogy and Education, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 61-76, 2005.
Ebox: Faculty centers for technology exploration, experimentation and exchange Presentation
2003, (Presentation at the Netspeed 2003, Edmonton, Alberta Canada.).
Active lecturing with PowerPoint Workshop
2003, (Workshop at the Innovative Instructors Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada).
Dreamweaver Coursebuilder: Building interactivity Workshop
2003, (Workshop at the Interface 2003 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).
Preparing teachers to teach online: The role of faculties of education Proceedings
World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Honolulu, HI, 2003.
Developing faculty technology centres for learning and exploration Presentation
2002, (Hybrid Learning: Keys to Instructor and Student Success, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada).
Dreamweaver Coursebuilder for teachers Workshop
2002, (Workshop at the Online Learning Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).
Dreamweaver course development for teacher-developers Workshop
2002, (Workshop at the Alberta Online Consortium Online Developers Series, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).
Workshops that work! Presentation
2002, (International Conference on Distance Education & the Canadian Association of Distance Education, Calgary, Alberta, Canada).
Preparing faculty for online instruction Presentation
2002, (Presentation at the Alberta Colleges and Institutes Association (ACIFA) Conference Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).
Accessible Multimedia for the Web Proceedings
World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Orlando, FL, 2002.
Action Learning: Applications in Technology Training and Professional Development Proceedings
World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Honolulu, HI, 2002.
Dreamweaver and fireworks for teacher-developers Workshop
2001, (Workshop at the Alberta Online Consortium Online Developers Series, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.).
Teaching with technology: Progressive practices Workshop
2001, (Workshop at the Leaders in Learning Online 2001, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada).