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161 entries « 7 of 9 »



Clarke-Midura, J, Code, J, Dede, C

Measuring students’ scientific inquiry processes and skills with immersive performance assessments Presentation

2010, (National Association of Research on Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, immersive environments, learning design, middle school, science inquiry, STEM, systematic review


Code, J, Clarke-Midura, J, Zap, N, Dede, C

Student perceptions of the assessment utility of immersive virtual environments Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.

BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, immersive environments, learning design, middle school, science inquiry, STEM, systematic review


Clarke-Midura, J, Code, J, Mayrath, M, Dede, C

Using evidence centered design to develop immersive virtual assessments Presentation

2010, (American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, immersive environments, learning design, middle school, science inquiry, STEM, systematic review



Clarke-Midura, J, Mayrath, M, Code, J, Dede, C, Kane, L

Exploring the potential of immersive virtual environments for summative assessments Presentation

2010, (Institute for Education Sciences (IES) Research Conference, National Harbor, MD. ).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, immersive environments, learning design


Code, J

Assessing agency for learning PhD Thesis


BibTeX | Tags: assessment, identity, intention, learner agency, motivation, self-efficacy, self-regulation | Links:


Code, J, Zaparyniuk, N

Social identities, group formation, and analysis of online communities [Reprint] Book Chapter

In: Dasgupta, S (Ed.): Social Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 1906-1922, New York, NY, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: assessment, identity, intention, learner agency, MOOC, motivation, online learning, self-efficacy, self-regulation, social media, systematic review


Code, J, Zaparyniuk, N

The emergence of agency in online social networks [Reprint] Book Chapter

In: Dasgupta, S (Ed.): Social Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 1906-1922, New York, NY, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: assessment, identity, intention, learner agency, MOOC, motivation, online learning, self-efficacy, self-regulation, social media, systematic review



Zaparyniuk, N, Code, J

Self-regulated learning in video game environments: Implications for educational gaming Book Chapter

In: Ferdig, R (Ed.): Information Science Reference/IGI Global, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, self-regulation, systematic review, video games


Code, J

Validating the epistemic belief inventory using item response theory Presentation

2009, (American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting San Diego, CA).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: assessment, IRT, survey research


Code, J, Zaparyniuk, N E

Social identities, group formation, and the analysis of online communities Book Chapter

In: pp. 86-101, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags: assessment, identity, intention, learner agency, MOOC, motivation, online learning, self-efficacy, self-regulation, social media, systematic review


Code, J, Zaparyniuk, N E

The emergence of agency in online social networks Book Chapter

In: pp. 102-118, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags: assessment, identity, intention, learner agency, MOOC, motivation, online learning, self-efficacy, self-regulation, social media, systematic review



Code, J

Assessing agency as an emerging property of will, skill, and action Presentation

2008, (Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2008 Annual Meeting Vancouver, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: AFLQ, assessment, learner agency, self-efficacy, self-regulation


Code, J, Zaparyniuk, N

Agency emergence in online social networks Presentation

2008, (Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2008 Annual Meeting Vancouver, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, learner agency, social media


Zaparyniuk, N, Code, J

Video games as a tool for self-regulated learning Presentation

2008, (Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2008 Annual Meeting Vancouver, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, self-regulation, video games



Nesbit, J C, Winne, P H, Zhou, M, Xu, Y, Code, J, Weatherby, M

Technology-based assessments of learning strategies and self-regulation of learning Presentation

2007, (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Biennial Conference, Budapest, Hungary).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, self-regulation


Code, J, Nesbit, J C, Adesope, O, Zhou, M

The role of agency in self- and other-regulation Presentation

2007, (American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Chicago, Il. ).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: learner agency, self-efficacy, self-regulation


Weatherby, M, Code, J, Nesbit, J C, Winne, P H

Learning argumentation with cognitive tools Presentation

2007, (American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Chicago, Il).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: argumentation, cognitive tools


Leacock, T, Code, J, Weatherby, M

Usability in self-regulated learning software. Presentation

2007, (American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Chicago, Chicago, Il.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: self-regulation, usability


Hadwin, A F, Nesbit, J C, Jamieson-Noel, D, Code, J, Winne, P H

Examining trace data to explore self-regulated learning Journal Article

In: Metacognition and Learning, vol. 2, no. 2-3, pp. 107-124, 2007.

BibTeX | Tags: assessment, educational technology, learning analytics, self-regulation, systematic review


Johnson, G M, Zaparyniuk, N, Code, J

Internet use and cognitive skills: Planning, attention, simultaneous and successive processing Proceedings

World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 2007.

BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, assessment, educational technology, mixed methods

161 entries « 7 of 9 »