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161 entries « 1 of 9 »



Moylan, R, Code, J, O'Brien, H

Artificial intelligence and education: Teachers' perspectives and future directions Proceedings


Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial Intelligence, teacher education


Code, J, Tasabehji, Z, Lutrin, A, Moylan, R, Forde, K, Donnelly, E, Mehta, A, Ralph, R, Zap, N

Navigating neurons: A journey through middle school cognition via game-based science inquiry Proceedings


Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Agency for Learning, ALIVE Investigator, formative assessment, learner agency, video games


Lutrin, A, Code, J, Odic, D

The psychosocial balance of agency in learning environments Proceedings


Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: learner agency, learning design, video games


Code, J, Banna, N El

Agency for learning in middle school science inquiry: A validation study of the AFLQ Proceedings


Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Agency for Learning, learner agency


Lutrin, A, Code, J, Odic, D

Enabling constraints: Balancing student agency through a novel game Proceedings


Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: learner agency, video games


Moylan, R, Code, J, O'Brien, H

Teaching and AI in the postdigital age: Learning from teachers’ perspectives Journal Article Forthcoming

In: Teachers and Teacher Education, Forthcoming.

BibTeX | Tags:


Turgeon, R, Fernando, S, Bains, M, Code, J, Hawkins, N, Koshman, S, Straatman, L, Toma, M, MacDonald, B, Snow, M

Qualitative analysis of patient treatment preferences and decisional needs for heart failure medications Journal Article

In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 83, iss. 13, pp. S2, 2024.

BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: | Links:


Code, J

At the heart of resilience: Empowering women’s agency in navigating cardiovascular disease Journal Article

In: CJCOpen, vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. 473-484, 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: heart disease, heart failure, Heart Transplant, literature review, patient agency, Patient Experience, women's health | Links:


Moylan, R, Code, J

Algorithmic futures: An analysis of teacher professional digital competence frameworks through an algorithm literacy lens Journal Article

In: Teachers and Teaching, pp. 19, 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: algorithm literacy, document analysis, professional digital competencies, teacher education | Links:


Code, J, Moylan, R, Forde, K, Ralph, R

Teachers' sense of efficacy during a time of crisis Journal Article

In: Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, vol. 23, pp. 538–558, 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: Media & Technology in Education, Pandemic Transformed Pedagogy, teacher education, technology education | Links:


Mamataz, T, Lee, D, Turk-Adawi, K, Hajaj, AM, Code, J, Grace, SL

Factors affecting healthcare provider referral to heart function clinics: A mixed-method study Journal Article

In: The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, vol. 39, iss. 1, pp. 18-30, 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: heart disease, heart failure, Heart Transplant, mixed methods | Links:



Moylan, R., Code, J.

“There is so much I don’t know!”: Future directions for algorithm literacy in teacher education Proceedings Article

In: 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: algorithm, algorithm literacy


Code, J., Forde, K., Ralph, R., Zap, N., Mehta, A., Chang, C., Wei, Z., Hu, L., Wang, S., Wu, B.

Evidence-centred game design in assessment for learning in immersive virtual environments Proceedings Article

In: 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: Evidence centered game design, learner agency, video games


Code, J, Forde, K, Moylan, R, Ralph, R

Head, heart and hands: A mixed methods study Proceedings Article

In: 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed methods, pandemic pedagogy, technology education


Code, J., Forde, K., Ralph, R., Zap, N., Mehta, A., Chang, C., Wei, Z., Hu, L., Wang, S., Wu, B.

Assessment for learning in immersive virtual environments: An evidence-centred game design Proceedings Article

In: 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: assessment, Evidence centered game design, formative assessment, learner agency, learning design, video games


Code, J., Forde, K., Moylan, R., Ralph, R.

The impact of pandemic transformed pedagogy on technology educators: A mixed methods study Proceedings Article

In: 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: mixed methods, pandemic pedagogy, teacher education, technology education


Butler, J, Petrie, M, Bains, M, Bawtinheimer, T, Code, J, Levitch, T, Malvolti, E, Monteleone, P, Stevens, P, Vafeiadou, J, Lam, C

Challenges and opportunities for increasing patient involvement in heart failure self-care programs and self-care in the post-hospital discharge period Journal Article

In: Research Involvement and Engagement, vol. 9, iss. 23, pp. 1-11, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: heart failure, self-care, self-efficacy, self-regulation | Links:


Joyce, E, Mcillvennan, CK, Esquivel, JH, AJ Sauer,, ...,, Code, J, 29(2) (2023). ., 181–192.

Participating in the peer review process: The Journal of Cardiac Failure construct Journal Article

In: Journal of Cardiac Failure, vol. 29, iss. 2, pp. 181-192, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: heart disease, heart failure, Heart Transplant, peer reivew, research methods | Links:


Ralph, R, Code, J, Petrina, S

Measuring theory of mind (ToM) with preschool-aged children: storybooks and observations with iPads Journal Article

In: International Journal of Early Years Education, vol. 31, iss. 1, pp. 251-268, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: 21st century learning, educational technology, iPads, learning design, preschool, qualitative | Links:


Lannon, H, Code, J, Poole, J, Simpson, C, Bath, V

Patient and caregiver perspectives of the connection between home and the transplant journey Journal Article

In: Heart & Lunch, vol. 57, pp. 1-6, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Altmetric | Tags: heart failure, Heart Transplant, Patient Experience | Links:

161 entries « 1 of 9 »